Noah Bleich, The TeaBook & PositiviTEA

Noah Bleich has found a way to combine his love of tea, positivity and the environment.

Bleich is the founder and artistic director of The TeaBook. The company, founded in 2015, offers organic, kosher teas with punny names and custom art to go with it, as well as a literal “TeaBook” organizer.

“[People] just love the art and the puns that we do,” Bleich says. “We joke that we test all of our jokes on dads to make sure they’re not dad jokes, because those just make you cringe and puns just make you chuckle.”

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On this episode of Taste Buds with Deb, I speak with Noah Bleich, founder and artistic director of The TeaBook. The company, founded in 2015, offers organic, kosher teas with punny names and custom art to go with it, as well as a literal “TeaBook” organizer. Bleich shares his love of tea and the power of PositiviTEA, as well as what goes into these unique creations. He also talks about the benefits of tea, the fun of tea flavors, and some of the differences between tea versus coffee.

Read the full article about Noah Bleich, listen to the podcast, and get the recipe.